Custom Gear offers a range of beer glasses providing a stylish way to brand your company name, logo and phone number. Not just for the trade anymore, beer glasses take pride of place in many homes, among weekend warriors, top executives and all other types of clients on your client list. Typical Australian Beer Glasses have developed names and traditional sizes, but may vary with the region or state. A Pony Glass contains 140ml and is a smaller size that was once traditionally served to ladies. The Seven contains 200ml and the Middy comes in at 285ml. The Schmiddy, a glass size between the Middy and the Schooner contains 350ml and the Schooner has 425ml. Topped by the pint which is 570ml, actually more than a pint, to allow for the head on the beer. Now that you have been educated, mate, which size beer glass would you like? We have them in all sizes and each size can be branded with your logo, printed with a photo, etched with a favorite slogan or saying. No matter how you want the glass customised, at Custom Gear we can get it done for you.