At first glance, the recipients of your freebies might not know what it is. They will however, find it interesting and want to figure it out. Household Stress Shapes are wonderful advertising tools for so many reasons, it's hard to list them off. For starters, they do work at relieving tension, they're something no one can keep their hands off of, because they're just so relaxing and so easy to grip. Secondly, there's of course the figuring it out aspect of things. When your clients who have received Household Stress Shapes are busy working their stress away, people will try to figure it out, just they same way they did when it was first introduced to them. And because of that, you'll get a lot of people to focus on your brand, and sure enough, they'll want to hop into your store and pick one up for themselves. Once they get to your location, business starts for you. All thanks to Household Stress Shapes.