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Custom Printed Promotional Glowsticks
Custom printed promotional products do get your company name, logo or message out to many different audiences. Glow sticks are used for everything- emergency lighting, to lighting up a trail trekking, to rock concerts, and more. The effectiveness of promotional products can bring in high percentages of new customers (studies show as much as 52 percent of recipients of promotional products later do business with the company). Custom Gear offers a full selection of glow sticks in a variety of styles and sizes perfectly designed with a spot for neatly imprinting your company’s name / logo. Our range includes designs like those fitted with torches, lanyards and other accessories. These are the ideal giveaway items for a tradeshow, conferences or staff meets, the receiver, will appreciate your thoughtfulness, care and concern. Contact the team at Custom Gear for information on how to customise the promotional flow sticks for your next event or marketing campaign.