Why Custom Hoodies Are the Ultimate Autumn Style Statement

As the leaves turn from green to gold, and the air gets crisp, it’s time to update your wardrobe to keep up with the autumn season. Custom hoodies are the ultimate autumn style statement that not only keeps you warm but also makes you look trendy and fashionable. So, whether you’re looking to promote your brand or simply want to add a personal touch to your wardrobe, these branded logoed hoodies are the ultimate autumn style statement.

Here are five ways custom hoodies are the ultimate autumn style statement:


printed hoodie with branding

Customised hoodies are an effective way to promote your brand or business. You can add your company’s logo, slogan, or message to your hoodie, which can increase brand awareness and recognition. According to a study by the Advertising Specialty Institute, 85% of consumers remembered the advertiser who gave them a personalised hoodie, which is a significantly higher recall rate than other promotional items such as pens, mugs, or bags. Custom-printed hoodies are also a cost-effective way to promote your brand, as they can be worn multiple times, exposing your brand to a wider audience.


A study by the Advertising Specialty Institute found that promotional products, including custom hoodies, have a higher recall rate than traditional advertising methods such as TV or print ads. In fact, 85% of consumers remembered the advertiser who gave them promotional hoodies, indicating the effectiveness of custom hoodies as a promotional item.

When it comes to autumn fashion, comfort is key. Branded logoed hoodies are made of soft and cozy materials such as cotton, polyester, and fleece, which make them perfect for chilly weather. Additionally, custom hoodies are available in various sizes and styles, including pullovers, zip-ups, and crop tops, which means you can find the perfect fit for your body type.


personalised hoodie

Custom-made hoodies offer a unique opportunity to express your personality and style. You can customise your hoodie with your favourite colours, logos, graphics, or text to make it one-of-a-kind. According to a survey conducted by ASI Central, branded logoed hoodies are the most popular custom apparel item, with 40% of consumers owning one. Therefore, by wearing personalised clothing, you can stand out from the crowd and showcase your individuality.


Customised hoodies can also be an eco-friendly option for autumn fashion. Many companies offer organic, recycled, or eco-friendly materials for their custom hoodies, which reduces the environmental impact of clothing production. According to a report by The Business of Fashion, sustainable fashion is a growing trend, with consumers becoming more conscious of their environmental footprint. By choosing a sustainable printed hoodie, you can make a fashion statement and contribute to a better planet.


sports hoodieCustomised hoodies are versatile and can be worn with a variety of outfits. You can pair them with jeans, leggings, shorts, skirts, or dresses, and they still look fashionable. Branded logoed hoodies are perfect for casual events, outdoor activities, sports, and even work. According to a survey by Statista, 70% of consumers say they wear hoodies at least once a week, making them one of the most versatile pieces of printed clothing in their wardrobe. Custom hoodies come in a variety of styles, including pullovers, zip-ups, and crop tops.

In a study by McKinsey & Company, it was found that the pandemic has accelerated the shift towards casual and comfortable clothing. This trend is likely to continue, making custom hoodies an even more versatile option for everyday wear.

Custom Hoodies in Australia

With a wide range of styles and materials to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect custom hoodies in Australia to suit your needs. In addition, Custom Gear also provides you with the ability to add your own logo or design to create a unique and stylish piece of clothing that sets you apart from the crowd. Don’t wait any longer, start designing your own branded logoed hoodie today and make a statement this autumn!