The Secrets of Offline Marketing in the 21st Century

Offline marketing is something that marketers should never get away from practicing. Offline marketing is the foundation of marketing, and one that leads to online marketing, as well. Custom Gear offers the following information on the secrets of offline marketing in the 21st century.

Business Cards

Your business card represents you and your place in your business. They are simple yet have a big impact on your professionalism, and a necessity when networking. Your business card should be constructed of quality paper stock and provide consumers with all the company and contact information needed. Business cards can be used in many ways- pin them to public bulletin boards, hand them out at networking events, have them attached to flyers, the possibilities are endless.

Direct Mail

Direct mailers are an asset in offline marketing. However, you need to ensure that you have a quality mailer to properly represent your company. Your mailer should be up to date, fresh, and say something about your company through its packaging and material. Direct mailers can include all different types of information, such as product and company updates, product launches and samples, newsletters, freebies, etc. However you choose to promote your business with direct mailers.


Networking will always be a huge part of offline marketing. Networking provides advertisers and marketers with endless possibilities.  Network every chance you can. Join local chapters of organisations or associations that will likely include your target audience. Consumers, businesses, professionals, etc. love face to face networking.


Tradeshows are to market, and an opportunity for marketers to showcase their products and services to attendees. Tradeshows are designed to generate leads, display brands, and sell products. As a rule of thumb, include promotional products and a giveaway at your display. You’ll be amazed at the number of attendees that can’t pass up your booth.


Conferences and events that you can participate in as a speaker, do. Your voice is an authority, and the more recognition you have, the better position you are in. Speaking at events builds credibility and establishes your brand.

Offline marketing techniques vary; and, it is up to the advertiser to try different techniques to determine which is the best form of offline marketing for them. Offline marketing is the foundation of marketing and implementing its techniques and tactics can mean great success to the advertiser.

Custom Gear is a leading Australian promotional products supplier. We offer over 20K promotional products. Our company provides personalised service to marketers with account managers, in-house graphic designers, and quality promotional products. For more information on our products, please contact a Custom Gear specialist.