It’s Surprising How Important Business Cards Still Are In This Digital Age

With the digital age more prevalent than ever, do business cards still have the effectiveness as they once did? They are still important for many reasons.

Swapping Contact Information

Consider your conferences, tradeshows, and conventions. You are networking, promoting and building brand awareness. You could contact each of your targeted audience via email; but likely your name will end up buried in their email account, or the spam folder. You are in front of your audience, interacting and conveying important information. Your business card provides the professional image that places an emphasis on the knowledge you have to offer.

Direct Marketing Tools

There are many forms of advertising to reach your targeted audience; however, what is as effective as making the personal contact and ending the meeting with a handshake along with a business card. Your business card is a reach to your audience, allowing them to know that you are the professional they require for the products or services that can solve their problems and improve their lives or increase their business. A quality business card makes an impression that lasts. An effective biz card can pursue people to buy promotional items such as bags and health and beauty.

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Follow Up

When you provide a prospect or customers with a business card you are building rapport and providing a chance for the prospects or customers to easily follow up, pulling out the card and picking up the phone. Your name may be on the tip of their tongue, but your card is in their wallet or desk, and one call and their needs can be met.


Your business card portrays the message that you are a professional. The card should be quality to separate you from your competitors. A business card is also a tool that allows marketers to network anywhere. There is also the fact that you become referable. Having your business card with your product or service allows those with the card to provide your services to others.

Your business card should include specific information:

  • Logo and tagline
  • Name and functional job title
  • Contact information
  • Website
  • Social media profiles
  • Whitespace
  • Creativity

When designing your business card, design it so that recipients can easily identify your brand. Your name and job title are essential. They should be recognizable but not overbearing. Your contact information is necessary for recipients to be able to contact you; just as your website which shows professionalism and allows recipients to gain further information on your brand in the future. Also, having your social media profiles on your business card offers further interaction and a place to gather more information on your brand. White space is also important as you don’t want your business card completely filled with information as it will be too confusing to be effective. Finally, the creativity of the card should be stellar; this includes your graphic designs, colours, font, and messaging.

Custom Gear provides marketers with quality business cards. Use a biz card to your advantage so you can make people check your items in the likes of categories such as office items, and clothing. Our in-house graphic designers and team of printing specialists design and produce business cards that reflect excellence in company images For more information on our quality business cards, please contact us at the number below, or visit our homepage.

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