How Important Is the Branding on Your Show-Bags at Your Next Conference?

Conference show bags are what attendees go away with from the conference; making it crucial to have a show bag image that accurately reflects your brand. The branding should stand out, making a statement that keeps the brand in the mind of the attendees. It also should be stylish for on the use, offering your brand greater exposure.

Why Show Bag Branding Is Important

Show bags are essential for the courtesy of attendees at a conference; as well as for branding. Custom Gear explains how vital branded show bags are at conference shows.

When branding your show bags, you want to create a positive reflection of your company. It is important to display information about your brand, such as its logo and message. You want the crowd to have a right attitude toward the brand and know what it equals. Also, consider the niche of your brand. For instance, if you are an eco-friendly company, you want bags from eco-friendly materials, if the audience is tech-savvy entrepreneurs, you may opt for a bag with a few compartments for gadgets.

Increase brand awareness:  A presentation can be memorable; displays can be eye-catching, drawing a crowd; yet, the attendees can walk away and not retain the marketer’s message, product, or brand. With branded conference bags, conference attendees have something that will allow them to retain the brand and message of the conference. Branded show bags provide current use and future use.

Branding also increases the value of your business. A strong logo creates an image, and the appeal of the branding helps to establish a business. Branding also generates new customers, as well as increases the self-esteem of employees.  Bottom line, branding builds trust, loyalty, and helps to grow the business with existing customers and potential customers. Stats show that consumers have a greater sense of loyalty to an advertiser they receive a promotional product from with over half of the recipients later doing business with the company.

Branding is an inexpensive means of advertising. Of advertising forms, promotional products are as effective as print, radio, and television. It is a strategy that yields recognition and retention of the brand, and one that advertisers should not overlook. One simple branded show bag in the hands of the attendees at your next conference can yield advertising for years to come.

Custom Gear is a top promotional products supplier in Australia. We customise logoed show bags for the best company image. Our team includes in-house graphic designers and personal account managers that work with advertisers to create stunning logos and promotional product campaigns that have an impact. For more information on our customised show bags for your next conference, please contact Custom Gear.