How Can Businesses Learn from The Merchandise Marketing Success of The Star Wars Brand?

The “Force” may be in the storyline, but it is also in the branding. Star Wars is one of the best examples of merchandise marketing success. Young and old, consumers have awakened to the Star Wars brand; and, consumer awareness has only grown since the first Star Wars movie was released. It’s the backyard apron, the wall art, attire, figurines, toys, and so much more than “Just a movie.” Custom Gear offers the following information on how businesses can learn from the marketing success of the Star Wars brand.

Part of the Star Wars branding success is they use what works. That, and, their marketing plan is well thought out.  They have taken advantage of social media, worked with retailers for “special” releases, allowed their fans to show their enthusiasm creating their celebrations and clubs like the Star Wars Day on May 4th, and even when fans disapprove of a new storyline, character or villain, they focus on what has worked in the past, getting through the negativity.

The original Star Wars movie was released in the ‘70s and was a storyline that fell into the hearts of the public worldwide. Since its release, the movie has built loyal fans that are true Star Wars diehards. What can small businesses learn from the successful merchandise marketing of the Star Wars brand? They can follow Star Wars marketing as a guide. How the advertisers deal with the old and new, the positive and negative, and how they stick with what works while going forward.  Star Wars has the approval of the public, and a fan following in the millions. The brand engages with consumers. They are on social media platforms, getting involved with consumers, interacting, and there for fans to be the first to provide them with what they want to know. LucasFilms sold the Star Wars franchise to Disney for 4.05 billion dollars in 2012. And, the marketing hasn’t failed to date. Disney makes billions annually from a few Star Wars toys alone.

They continue to go forward. The brand keeps the old characters and villains alive, all while new “casts” are introduced- sometimes accepted, sometimes not. Regardless, they allow fans to get to know the characters and to get involved with storylines. They also take advantage of the marketing channels of different marketing channels.  They create enthusiasm and celebrations that fans love. They are not just “ads,” they also offer content for the public. Content that brings consumers closer to their brand. Fans have no trouble researching information on a storyline, character, or villain. Disney hasn’t overlooked offering the public Star Wars characters on everything from pens, notepads, keychains, spoons, and every trinket, gadget, toy, and attire allowing consumers to celebrate with the storylines, the characters, villains, and their love for the brand.

Custom Gear is a top promotional products supplier in Australia. We provide advertisers with a high-quality merchandise selection of all the latest, as well as tried and true products at affordable prices. For more on how we can help you with your next promotional products campaign, contact Custom Gear.