Four Ideas For Customised Sports Items For Local Sports Teams

To celebrate the local sports team there is no better method than through personalised sports gear. Examples of customised items that are perfect for sports teams are hats/caps, backpacks, shirts, and towels. Team members and local sports enthusiasts alike will love being able to represent their favourite team at games and out on the town with customised clothes and accessories.

Using Branding to Promote the Team

Local sports teams need a way to promote themselves and a great way to do that is through custom sports merchandise. It starts with having a great logo. The logo needs to be a high-quality image that is suitable for printing in multiple sizes both big and small.

Another thing to consider when developing a logo for the team is copyright. To sell the merchandise the imagery needs to be completely original or it needs to be free to use in the public domain to produce and sell it on a large scale. The more the brand grows and the team gains notoriety the more important it is to have completely original branding and imagery so it’s better to start with a great logo rather than having to change it down the line for copyright reasons.

Some things to keep in mind about printing the logo are the size of the images, the colours, and the font of the text used. For the most professional image, opt for designs that use between two and five colours that contrast (not clash), a bold and easily readable text, and the image size itself needs to be high-quality so that it can be blown up to any size for printing and still look great. A professional printing service can advise on how to format and size the logo for the best results.

Top Four Personalized Items For Local Sports TeamsAustralian Soccer Ball

Here are a few ideas of the kinds of sports items that can be personalised for sports teams.

Customised Sports Caps

One piece of sports merchandise that is super popular with team members and fans alike is a customized baseball cap. For game days sports fans will love how the caps not only represent their favourite team but also keeps the sun out of their eyes during the game on sunny days so they can see all of the action. The logo on the cap will be small compared to a logo printing on a t-shirt, so it must be bold and simple so that the branding is recognizable.

Customised Shirts

Another fun option for personalised sports gear for a local team is of course the shirts. Options for shirts are T-shirts, long-sleeved shirts, and jerseys. T-shirts are the most common and popular kind of shirt for sports teams, but long-sleeved versions will make it so that fans and team members can represent their local team no matter the weather. It is a good idea to print shirts in a variety of sizes and sleeve lengths so that everyone can enjoy them no matter what time of year it is.

Selling shirts as merchandise can help to raise money for the team, but just as important is having a matching uniform to wear on game days. With custom printing, each team member can have matching shirts with not only the team logo but also their name printed. This helps to develop a team mindset and make everyone feel included.

Customised Backpacks

Backpacks will be popular among team members and younger fans. Teenagers and children can take the backpacks with the team logo to school with them, while adults will enjoy using the backpacks as a gym bag or a game day bag to hold snacks and water bottles. For the team members, the backpacks will be useful for carrying gear and changes of clothes to and from practice and games.

Customised Towels

Sports fans know how hot it can be both for the players and fans on game day. Having towels closely available is a huge help for managing perspiration and the heat, or just to have something to lay on the grass/ground to sit on and enjoy the game. Why not take advantage of this necessary piece of game day gear and also have it customized with the logo of the local sports team?

Why Branded Sports Gear Is So Important

There will be a turnover of players and coaches throughout the years, but the team logo should be evergreen meaning that it should represent the team throughout all the changes and ups and downs that the team may go through. That is why it is so important to take some time to develop a great logo that represents the spirit of the team and the locality. The merchandise will be loved by the team and fans and selling it will help raise money for the team’s expenses.