Does Your Social Exercise Group Need Customised Outfits

You have the proper mats and equipment. You teach techniques. Your participants have shoes designed just for the fitness. Water bottles are packed and your participants are ready to get the most out of your fitness program. Could maximum results be better achieved if the social exercise group had customised outfits. Not only would your brand be featured on the splashy items, clothing would not obstruct exercise.  When shopping, search for categories with the likes of sports and outdoor and merchandise to find outfits that will make your exercise experience better.

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Customised workout outfits provide more than the proper attire for exercising. After class, your brand goes mobile as participants stop for groceries, at the park, or anywhere else they may choose to go prior to home. Brand awareness is increased, conversations start, the phone is ringing, and classes fill. Advertisement is essential for business, and outfitting your participants in your exercise class with the right promotional clothing for the workout is promoting as often times it is worn out of the gym.

There are many ways to promote with customised promotional fitness wear:

  • Recruit new members with product giveaways.
  • Retain existing members with rewards of product giveaways.
  • Provide current members with the right clothing for their workouts.
  • Secure renewals with promotional giveaways.
  • Sell promotional products in your health club or fitness classes to generate revenue.

When exercising, clothing does matter and there are many different factors to take into consideration. As the club owner or instructor, who is better to provide the correct clothing as there is more than comfort that matters. The fabric should be breathable and help take away moisture. Your first benefit to your group! Support is something else to consider. Depending on the exercise, the clothing should add support to make the exercise more comfortable. Exercising takes stamina, and it is essential that the clothing provides comfort to help increase stamina. Lastly, safety is also an issue, and exercise clothing should be made specifically for safety. If jogging, bright neon or reflective material should be part of the clothing.

As for brand awareness, studies and statistics show there is no better way to increase brand awareness than through promotional items. Customised fitness attire is among those items. You have your clothing branded with your company name & logo or message, which is not only seen in the gym or class, but goes mobile once the class ends and the participants head out into their daily routine. Most importantly, you will have a class with more enthusiastic members that are cool and comfortable and getting the best results from their fitness workout.

For more information on customised fitness wear Custom Gear welcomes you to contact us. We are a Sydney supplier of customised exercise wear that provides quality and selection. They also have other product categories with the likes of  health and beauty and bags.

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