Why rewarding your clients is important to your business

Keeping your clients happy is a very important part to keep your business cycle running. A happy or satisfied client will always remember your service and will remain your client for further business. These clients also help spread the name of your business. Everyone in this universe loves to get something extra with anything he/she buys, whether it is an extra item or an extended service or an extra privilege.

Rewarding your clients helps you create a bond between you and them. Due to the tough market, people look for the lower cost of service with a greater level of coverage. To attract such clients you need to give discounts or give away free products.


Discounts help lure customers who are looking to save money, and who in the world is not? People compare costs first before checking services. As for your existing customers, discounts are a way of awarding these loyal people a reward and at the same time doing some business, as you are not giving something away for nothing. Eventually this tactic helps you save money and establishes a good client network. If your client buys from you on a regular basis and always pays on time, you can call him/her a loyal customer. You can make them happy by always offering discounts on products and services.

A free giveaway

Another thing a loyal customer or even a new customer would love is getting something for free. Everyone loves to get something for nothing no matter how rich they might be and your client is no different. These things are important gestures which help your loyal customers realize that you value their business and want to keep them with you for a long time to come. The free item you are giving away does not have to be something expensive, rather it should be something valuable to them or something they could use. Great example of useful giveaway include notebooks, pens or even an aluminium sports bottle. You could also show this gesture by giving away a free service or something similarly less costly. The saying “you scratch my back and I will scratch yours” describes the situation here, you take care of your clients and they will take care of you.

Loyalty Programs

A loyalty program is similar to a free giveaway but the rewards are greater. These loyalty programs are a great attraction when cementing or creating business relationships. You provide your client a magnetic card which stores information related to when and how many times they have purchased from you. Every time a transaction is made, the client is awarded points. When they have enough points they can redeem a gift from you. The most desirable gift is a usually an all paid vacation package or a similar travelling package. The reward system is like you get $20 on a purchase of $200.

All in all, rewarding your clients help you bring in more orders and in turn, more money. The happier your client is with your services, the higher chance that he/she will choose you for their next order.