What’s The Difference between Online and Offline Marketing

Advertising online and offline is two different marketing strategies. Which is best? Each is different. For a marketing edge, most companies advertise both online and offline to create stronger brand awareness. Custom Gear offers the following information on advertising online and offline.


The Differences between Online & Offline Advertising


Online advertising is advertising via the Internet. You may hear online marketing called Internet marketing or digital marketing. Online advertising is extensive advertising as the net reaches around the globe. With print advertisements you are limited to readers of the publication; so, campaigns do not go viral as they can online.


Offline advertising can hone in on target audiences. Consumers and customers that you know will be interested in your products or services can be reached via offline marketing means. You can zero in on demographics, etc., presenting those that have a use for your products or services with the information on the goods, as well as enticing advertising to get them through the door or to your online storefront.


Cost of Marketing


Offline marketing is typically costlier then online marketing. Offline advertising is print, radio, and television ads. You will see many marketers combine the advertising methods as it is the ultimate means to build strong brand awareness. The costs of offline advertising can be tremendous. While online advertising requires an affordable domain name and hosting. The advertiser can do blogging and article writing, or an SEO company can be hired.


Marketing Sales Conversions


If you have an online storefront, it is essential to market online. You want consumers to be aware of your storefront, visit your storefront and purchase from your storefront. The net offers convenient shopping.  Offline readers of your advertisements will need to decide if they want to visit your store; if you have an online store, they can search for your store on the net. Online advertising allows consumers to shop from their home in their leisure, offering a higher volume of sales. For marketers that have a physical storefront and an online storefront, consumers have the best of both worlds as not all consumers want to shop online. Using offline and online marketing can increase brand awareness and image and offer the company a sense of credibility among consumers.


For marketers with a traditional mindset, an offline market is typically easier as they can see the facts and figures related to the advertising.


Print Advertising


Print advertising is among the most popular ways of offline advertising. Print advertising in newspapers and magazines are common means of print just as classified and telephone books.


Direct Mail


Direct mail is for marketers that have lead lists and a database of customers and potential customers. Direct mailings are simply advertising through the mail.


Networking & Conferencing


Events and industries go hand in hand, and a wonderful way to network.  Conference and event networks are offline advertising as you engage with colleagues and prospects to exchange ideas and market your material, business, and self.






Online advertising consists of different forms of affordable advertising that can span worldwide.


Email Marketing


Email marketing is marketing in which advertisers send emails promoting their products and services.


Search Engine Optimisation


Search engine optimisation allows marketers to enhance their rankings of a site or website page in the unpaid “organic” search lists. Keywords s are used to direct browsers to the sites. Article writing, blogs, social media, and optimised web pages are all ways to engage in search engine optimisation.


Pay Per Click


Pay per click is a popular form of marketing and targets traffic to the marketer’s web pages via through keywords searched.


Video Marketing


Video advertising is a means to take a business to the master of its trade. Branded content is the key.


Blogging & Content Marketing


Blogging and content marketing are ways to practice search engine optimisation. While blogs are somewhat natural writing as though you are taking in everyday life, they can include keywords, just as content writing like articles and web pages.


For marketers that are looking for the tool to compete against your competitors for campaign results that leave you with optimal results, contact Custom Gear.