Top 5 Promotional Items in a COVID-19 World

COVID-19 has changed the world. In some ways things have gotten worse, but in other ways there are new opportunities that did not exist before. There are a variety of ways you can put a positive spin on COVID-19 and capitalise on the new environment with promotional items for your brand.

Promotional Hand Sanitiser

Hand sanitiser is one of the top two most purchased items right now in the world after the pandemic. It will likely continue to be a hot seller for years to come. You can sell sanitiser in small travel sizes or in bigger sises made for home use. This is a great opportunity to advertise your brand, as you can get your logo on any size hand sanitiser and sell it to the public in Australia.

Logoed Face Masks

What is the second most popular item right now? It is face masks. Easy and cheap to make, this is a great opportunity for your brand. Get your logo on some face masks, and every time someone wears your mask countless people in the public will learn your brand and your logo. While they might not run out and buy your product, the name of your company will stick in their mind when they are ready to shop for that product months down the road.

Personalised Tote Bags

Tote bags are used all over the world for a variety of reasons. In personalising a tote bag, you can get your brand in front of people as they grocery shop, go on picnics, go to the beach, and take their dog hiking. Tote bags are so versatile that you can find your logo across the world when someone travels and uses their tote bag to take their travel necessities.

Personalised USB Drives and Computer Equipment

With so many people working from home now, many of them did not have home offices before the pandemic. They have had to, and continue to, buy all new home computer equipment. This can be a great place for your promotional items as they can be seen during zoom and video calls across the world.

Branded Lollies

Don’t overlook advertising and promoting on materials that attract kids, like candy. While kids generally do not have large bank rolls of money to spend, they do frequently have parents and grandparents who want to buy them anything in the world that will make them happy. Lollies and candy have the added benefit of being shared. Put some branded lollies in a candy jar and watch many people get their hands on the candy and on your brand and logo.

No matter what you decide, remember that there are a lot of promotional opportunities in Australia after COVID-19. The world has changed forever, more people are working from home, and more people are taking sanitary measures to reduce risk of exposure to the virus. There are a lot of places for you to use your promotional items and put your brand on products.