Tips for Customised School Stationary For Your Kids

Kids love seeing their name in print and spelling their name with fridge magnets, having a personalised place-mat, their name on their bedroom wall — whatever, and wherever; when it comes to their name, there is nothing better in print. School stationery is no exception to the rule. Parents have an advantage in customising their children’s school belongings, as well as the approval of their children. When it comes to school, their names belong on everything- stationary, their backpack, notebooks, pencil cases, and everything in between. Custom Gear offers the following tips for customising school stationery for your kids.Matador Cardboard Ballpoint Pen

Firstly, the budget may be tight. What family has the extra $$ to have their children’s notebook paper and stationary personalised? Perhaps, you have the funds but want to add a little creativity for your child. Good news, you can get the same effect of personalised stationery without a hefty printing bill. Stamps are a significant investment. Children can stamp their names on their stationary in different colours and create personal notes. Stamps can be purchased as letters, sometimes names, animals, and symbols; and, ink pads can be purchased in nearly every colour. Stamps are an inexpensive way to customise your children’s school stationery.

Another way to personalise your children’s school stationery is with stickers. Some children are fortunate to have stickers with their names available in stationery stores. Children with not so common names may not be as fortunate. Regardless, having stickers printed is likely less costly then customising paper and notebooks. As we mentioned early, kids love seeing their name in print, and love being able to put their name on nearly anything.

If you plan to have your stationery customised, consider what supplies your children need to be customised. Once you know what will need to be customised, shop various promotional product stores like Custom Gear as you will find that they likely will be your least expensive option in printing.