The Staples of Offline Marketing Strategies That Will Never Die

With the emergence of the Internet, offline marketing doesn’t get all the attention and hype that it once received. That is not to say that it is dead. Offline marketing will never die; and, for a good reason. Not only does it build brand awareness “on the ground, but” it also increases online traffic, generating an increased amount of sales and profits. Custom Gear offers the following information on why the staples of offline marketing strategies will never die.

Firstly, the most significant strategy of all offline marketing strategies is promotional products. Promotional products are the most welcomed advertising strategy among consumers. Television commercials are effective; but costly, and most consumers don’t want their show interrupted. Unless the marketer has a commercial that grabs and keeps the attention of consumers, the advertisement can be felt as a hinder. The advertiser is also not retained as longer as when the consumer receives a promotional product. The same goes for print. Print advertisements are less costly then television, but they to do not hold the retention of the consumer.

Stats show that consumers retain the advertiser of a promotional product they receive for well over a year after the receipt of the product. Sometimes longer. Stats also show that over fifty percent of consumers that receive a promotional product do business with the consumer after receiving the product. With the costs of promotional products being as low as tenths of a cent, the products are cost-effective advertising. When an offline marketing campaign includes a promotional product the effectiveness of the campaign increases by 500 percent and higher, that is pretty impressive results.

The staples of offline marketing  include:

  • Direct mail
  • Discount pricing
  • Loyalty programs
  • Promotional products

While advertising on the Internet can be affordable advertising, especially when it is organic; typically, offline advertising is necessary, as well as it helps to promote offline and online. Direct mailings can create interest in a local company, a product launch, to restore and renew interest in a brand, and to provide consumers with “something extra,” such as discounts or promotional items.

The staples of offline marketing are the foundation marketing; and, for advertisers, especially those with the “Old school” in them; it will likely always be the foundation of advertising. As mentioned earlier, offline marketing helps to generate online traffic and increase sales and revenues. It is also traditional; however, it takes more than a flyer in the mail to get the interest of the consumer as a large percentage of the flyers are tossed before being read- it takes something for the consumer for their full attention. The something that consumers look for our promotional products.

For a complete line of promotional products, contact Custom Gear. We are a leading supplier of promotional products, concentrating on the marketer with quality products, in-house graphic designers, and personal account managers.