The Evolution of Promotional Marketing in Australia

Promotional marketing is one of the most beneficial and important things that any business can do to promote itself and bring strong awareness to its brand and products. Over the years, promotional marketing has become a strong and reliable part of industry, all of the world and especially in Australia.

Promotional marketing has come a very long way in the few decades it has been in existence. What once started as only a few select items in a few select marketplaces and venues has now become something that is ubiquitous all over the nation. You cannot think of any type of business that wouldn’t be a success in Australia without marketing.

What is promotional marketing?

Essentially, it is a form of advertising that is specifically tailored to spread knowledge and information about a certain product, brand, or service. It aims to raise customer awareness and interest and influence a group of people or an entire culture or nation. The main goal is to raise a product or company’s status among people and make it stand out among all of the competition.

Promotional marketing has had a strong presence in Australia for generations now. With the invention of television and then the internet decades later, promotional marketing has evolved over the years. It was initially centred around product giveaways with certain promotional and branded merchandise. That was the most popular – and only – way to spread the word about companies and brands.

Over time, promotional marketing transformed and altered itself to stay modern with the times. In the 1950s and 60s, a stronger push to television was made and marketing began to centre around TV shows and sponsorships. That proved to be very effective and companies became solely concerned with pushing their products and services through the medium of television.

Promotional marketing mostly stuck with television and radio over the next few decades, with a heavy presence also on local newspapers. In the mid-1990s, promotional marketing took another turn during the explosion of the internet’s popularity. When the world wide web became a major hit in Australia and all over the globe, companies started to push their products on the internet through the use of pop-ups as well as videos.

In the years since the internet’s inception and adoption, promotional marketing on the web has evolved even more. Companies have now created their own social media pages to portray and pitch their products to customers. These companies have also put a heavy emphasis on customer communication, speaking and commenting directly with people who could be buying products. Through social media and the internet, companies have started more giveaways to followers and have raised their profile through clever marketing and tweets and Facebook posts.

There is still a lot of promotional marketing that lives on television channels but the focus has definitely shifted almost entirely to the internet. If a company is not able to successfully sell their products on the internet, they aren’t able to sell them at all. As with all other things, promotional marketing has become centred around the internet and has turned it into a major tool that has greatly benefitted them more than the newspaper, radio, and television ever has.