Personalised New Staff Welcome Packs for Remote Workers

Now that many workplaces allow remote workers to return, it is time to think about the welcome pack ideas. Since we are continuing with our branded merchandise theme, we will explore the latest trends and fashion items that companies can give to their returning workers.

A welcome pack or kit is a goodwill gesture to the remote workers, who might have to go through quite an ordeal over the last year due to pandemic and had to stay at home to do the job. This pack or kit can include a collection of items to thank them for their time and effort.

These freebies are distributed on the first day of return in a meeting or a company time-out. When it comes to these gifts, the quality of the products is extremely crucial to monitor. Companies should not hand out cheap quality items to their staff members, as it might demoralise them. If your company cannot arrange for high-quality, you should switch to giving out things that might be useful to the workers at the workplace.

Benefits of Welcome Packs

Why do companies try to welcome their returning staff members? Some of the beneficial reasons why they should indulge in the habit:

  • Creates a positive atmosphere for holding people who had to stay at home due to the pandemic.
  • Promotes company norms and values.
  • Making the staff feel valued and cared.
  • Can indirectly promote employee loyalty to the company.
  • It can even attract potential employees as they come across promotional items and company culture around welcoming people back from a life-threatening global pandemic.

Best Welcome Pack Ideas for Returning Staff Members

List of some of the considerate gift boxes companies can think to distribute:

In addition to these, you can also try putting other valuable items in the kits such as power banks, microfiber cloth for screens and glasses, wireless earbuds, headphones, rechargeable LED ring, backpacks, duffle bags, tote bags, gift cards, lightboxes, blue light glasses, and keychains.

Stress balls, yoga mats, fitness bands are also some of the items that the employees will greatly appreciate because it shows the corporation cares about the health of its workers. You can also give out sanitary necessities these days, e.g., face masks and hand sanitisers.

Candles, Kindle, camera blockers, and desk plants also show the length at which the executives care about each person working under them. Books (can be self-help books or books that highlight how to restart life after any unforeseen event) magazines and brochures are a great addition.

There can be many other items that can come on the list. The company HR can devise a plan to have customised mini-board games to welcome the staff, and it can be a great icebreaker for those who find it hard to resume socialising after long breaks.


A famous and influential saying goes, “Employee loyalty begins with employer loyalty.” Welcome kits are a humble yet mindful effort to show that employers care about their employees. These promote a positive work environment and establish a welcoming corporate culture where people can relax and exchange with their bosses and colleagues alike and feel like a part of a complex ecosystem.