Personalised Gift Recommendations for Friends and Family Interstate or Overseas

When your loved one’s been miles away for longer than you can remember (even if it has been just a few weeks), you’ll want to do something for them that makes them feel as though they’re there with you.

For friends and family overseas, not just any gift will do. You need a gift that will tell them you care and that you’re thinking of them- and we know just how hard that is. That’s why we’ve put together this list of the five best customised gifts for family and friends interstate and overseas.

Music Boxes

If you’re truly close with someone, you know everything about them. You’ll be able to give out their middle name, favourite colour, and where they went to high school in a flash. You may have even shared a few songs with them or given them recommendations in the past.

A personalised music box, built to play you and your loved one’s song, is a great gift that will remind that person of your love for them. It’s great for friends, family, partners- whoever you need to show love and care for. Plus, they’re just really cool.

A Jar of Dirt

Wait, no- hear us out. A jar of dirt is a way to send a little piece of where you are over to your friend or loved one miles away. It says, “If you can’t come where I am, I’ll send where I am to you.” It’s funny, thoughtful, and can be very beautiful if you do it right.

Many gift shops will sell jars of dirt, rocks, or other pieces of the earth if you’re in a unique place. If not, just step outside and collect a little. It takes only a few seconds, and it’s completely free.

A Map of Your Location

Here’s another way to take your friend or loved one to where you are without ever making them leave the house. A map of your location- city, town, whatever- reminds a friend or loved one of you and lets them know you wish they were here.

If you’re in a notable or unique place, gift shops and gas stations will have free or cheap maps. However, if you’re looking to get them something for a special occasion, try a framed decorative map. They look great on the wall and add a bit of rustic flair to a room.

A Shirt Pillow

Sounds funny, but you can actually get a pillow made from a shirt. The idea of the shirt pillow is to give your loved one a memorable piece of you to hold onto while you’re not there. It’s usually just a pillow stretched over a shirt but can be customised with your name and other features.

Sleeping or hugging a shirt pillow can make your loved one feel as though you never really left, and give them something to hang onto while you’re away. Never doubt the power of a simple pillow made from a shirt.