Personalised Drink Bottles for a COVID Safe Workout

COVID-19 has changed the way the world operates from educational needs, to corporate needs, to the way we workout. While gyms were closed for a period of time, as the world reopens, we want to make sure we are working out safely, without exposing ourselves any further to COVID-19.

In Australia, there are some great opportunities for you to make some personalised drink bottles or hand sanitisers in order to capitalise on the new post-pandemic market. Consider packaging multiple products together, so fitness centres can sell everything needed to gym goers to maintain cleanliness and sanitary gym equipment.

Personalised and Customised Drink Bottlescorporate gift bottle with logo

Before the pandemic, people were ok with drinking from water fountains and out of shared glassware, but after COVID-19, one way in which people are trying to be safer and prevent disease spread is by drinking out of personalised drinkware. Oftentimes, people need more than one drink bottle so they can use one while the other(s) are home being cleaned.

Since people might not have any drink bottles now, there is a market for branded or personalised drink bottles, and you can sell perhaps more than one to a person. Get your product into gyms and fitness centres, so people can buy them on the spot while they are working out.

The nice part about a personalised drink bottle is it can help make sure your workouts are safe, but you also use it all of the time, not just while you are working out. Get in the habit of keeping your bottle constantly filled with water, and you will find yourself consuming more water throughout the day, which is better for your overall l health and well-being.

Personalised Hand Sanitisers

People working out in public spaces are also purchasing a lot of hand sanitiser, and will likely continue to do so for some time. This is so they can clean workout machines before and after they use them. Hand sanitiser is flying off the shelf, and this is something else you can personalise and market to people looking to work out safely and stop the spread of COVID-19. You can also market hand sanitiser in different sized bottles – small ones for travel or workouts and bigger sises for car or home use.

Branded Towelscustom beach towels Australia

Something else you can consider personalising for workouts in Australia are hand towels. People like to use their own hand towels to clean off equipment or to clean sweat off of themselves as they workout. Oftentimes, people can use several hand towels during one workout session.

You can consider pairing a hand towel with a personalised drink bottle, and selling them as a package. You could throw in a small bottle of hand sanitiser for free, so the recipient feels like they are getting a good deal. Working out safely is the chief concern for fitness professionals in the wake of the pandemic, many people would jump on personalised products that help them stay cleaner and safer while working out.