Leveraging Logoed Face Masks for Brand Awareness

COVID-19 has changed the way we go out in public. You used to think, “phone, wallet, keys.” Those were the necessities you had to have to leave the house. Now you must also have a face mask, and you might want to have hand sanitiser.

Fortunately for corporations, this has created an opportunity for advertisements and brand placement. Take advantage of the new world, and market your products in a way that spins your company in a positive light, while also targeting products that people are in need of right now like face masks and hand sanitiser.

Logoed Face Masks

While there are many places you can place your brand for promotion, face masks are arguably the most important. There are still many people in Australia buying face masks, as prior to 2020 they most likely did not have any. Now, they might want more than one, so one can be in the laundry if needed. There is still a market where people are buying face masks.

The nice thing about brand placement on a face mask is countless people are going to see your brand. Every time they look at the person wearing the face mask, they will think of your brand. You can make your face masks in different sises too, as even small kids need to wear face masks when they are out in public. Perhaps you can have different logos, and one that is kid friendly so they will want to wear your mask. This would also appeal to parents if their kids willingly want to wear their face mask!

Leveraging Face Mask Promotions

While you should certainly capitalise and sell face masks, you can also consider donating face masks. While you will not initially earn profit, your brand will gain a positive image. Senior citizens are some of the most impacted people by COVID-19, and sometimes are in low income situations where a donation would go a long way.

If you donate masks to nursing homes and to the elderly, your brand instantly gains goodwill and compassion points. Adult children and grandchildren will likely think positively of your brand for years to come, and might be more likely to buy your product when they are in the market for it. Think not about how each face mask can directly translate into product sales, but more about how the goodwill will have your company looked upon in a favourable light.

Package branded Face Masks with Hand Sanitiser

Considering offering people free hand sanitiser. For many people in this pandemic, face masks and hand sanitiser go hand in hand. They want to buy both. Consider offering a small travel sise bottle of hand sanitiser with your logo on it for free with the purchase of a logoed face mask.

This will get people talking about your generosity, and also get more items with your brand and logo out in the world for circulation. Hand sanitiser in small bottles can be produced relatively inexpensively, so this could be a cheap, efficient way to gain brand awareness and new customers.