How to Leverage Online Meetings for Brand Awareness

In the infamous age of the Coronavirus, people are much less likely to get together for big events.

Not in real life, at least.

Just because you can’t have a concert or a festival to promote your brand doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of the group-meeting format. When they’re in a group and having fun, people are much more likely to engage with your product and think about it later.

Here are a few helpful tips and tricks for using online meetings for brand awareness.

Make a Fun Event

Nobody wants to go to a Zoom meeting just to be advertised to. People want to have fun. They want to socialize. If they wanted to have a company preach the virtues of their product to them, they’d just hop and YouTube and watch some ads.

You’re going to want something that will draw people in. One online event that’s gaining some popularity now is the online yoga session. Promoting your logoed merchandise through such a fun, stress-relieving environment leaves a great impression on your potential customers.

Another great event for promoting your logoed merchandise is a games session. Jackbox Games have been offering online board gaming to its customers for over a year now and can help you promote your product by providing a fun, engaging atmosphere for your customers.

It’s absolutely essential that you give people a reason to come to your online meeting. Otherwise, you’ll find that you’ve attracted too few people to actually market your products.

Don’t get caught up in a boring meeting with nothing to offer your customers. Plan it out, hire an entertainer, and make sure to promote your logoed merchandise subtly, so your customers don’t feel as though they’re being preached to.

Market the Event

Again, outreach is incredibly important when you’re looking to turn a profit through an online meeting. Just having the meeting won’t cut it- you need ads- in real life and online spaces- to promote your event.

Try purchasing ad space on websites to get the word out. These ads will be seen by hundreds or thousands of people, and they inevitably give some clicks.

Ads shoved in your face might be quite annoying, though. And to speak the truth, they’re already an outdated mode of advertising that doesn’t really appeal to young people.

To keep up with the tides, try advertising with Instagram influencers. Young people are always on Instagram and will see promotions from their favourite influencers.

Take Advantage of Technology

Zoom offers a whole host of features that you can take advantage of to promote your branded merchandise. From zoom backgrounds to reacts, Zoom appeals to young peoples’ aptitudes with technology. If you can work around it, you can make a splash with your audience.

Hire Good Staff

Getting someone to introduce and coordinate your event with energy will be incredibly important. A good actor will be able to engage your audience and keep them from nodding off mid-meeting.