How Promotional Products Can Help Promote Your Business

Promotional products are a strategic marketing that opens lines of communication. Statistics show that giving promotional items creates a sense of loyalty to your company and brand among consumers. Attention is gained, loyalty is built, and marketing is effective.

The percentage of consumers that receive a promotional item from a company and later do business with that company is encouraging for business owners. Statistics show that over 52 percent of consumers that receive a promotional advertising gift later do business with the company. Stats also show that 48 percent claim they are likely to do business with the company, showing the effectiveness o promotional marketing.

Promotional product giveaways can focus on short term use or long term use with each having its effectiveness. Short term use is ideal for introducing products like new beverages to the market; while long-time use is effective to enhance brand awareness. A combination of both for a campaign can also be effective, and both can go well beyond your targeted audience. Statistics show that while consumer holds on to a promotional product anywhere from one to four years, and when they do get rid of it, typically it is given to a friend or donated to the thrift shop. A t-shirt or cap is the perfect example as both can easily go past the boundaries of your targeted audience.









Promotional product giveaways also promote a favourable image of your company and brand. Consumers like receiving a promotional item, and it shows with over 70 percent of recipients remembering the company’s name. Giveaways are a gesture of goodwill, however whether a few cents a giveaway or high dollar giveaways, the product should be quality constructed to ensure the best reflection of your company and brand.

In a recap, promotional products are an effective marketing strategy because:

Promotional products increase brand recognition- items with your advertisement attached stand out from the competition as well as keep you on the minds of consumers, increasing brand recognition.

Reach targeted audiences at low costs- promotional items can be purchased for as low as a few cents an item, offering you value for money, and an effective campaign that increases brand awareness.

Promotional products offer you a powerful marketing strategy that offers ongoing advertising that can continue and expand far beyond your targeted audiences for years to come.

Promotional products offer a positive image – what company doesn’t want to be known for the consideration and attention they provide their customers. Consumers that receive promotional gifts such as ceramic mugs and caps or  kitchenware have a positive attitude towards the company, creating a positive company image.

Bounty Ceramic Mug








The key when selecting promotional products is to consider the consumers, the campaign and the relevance of the product. For more information or help selecting promotional products for your next campaign, contact Custom Gear, Australia’s number 1 supplier of promotional items.