Customise your Summer Beach Apparel

Summer beach apparel is a great way to advertise your brand. There are so many different needs for the summer from beach towels to eskys to umbrellas to sunscreen that you will never have a shortage of options when it comes to materials to advertise on. Summer in Australia is a great season, and if you market things well, you can gain a lot of brand exposure for your brand. With so many summer options to advertise on, you can also consider pairing some of them together, and marketing them as a package to make shoppers’ lives easier.

Customised towelscustom beach towels Australia

Towels are not usually optional. If you are going to the beach, lake, or pool, you need to have a towel. Towels can also come in different shapes and sizes, giving you a variety of options to choose from. No matter what you select, personalising a towel is going to be a great way to promote your brand. Not only will the user of the towel see your brand, but so will everybody else in the surrounding area of the beach when the towel is laid out on the sand for all to see.


You can’t go wrong advertising on the infamous Australian beach cooler. Any good summer day is going to require a cooler, and if you get your brand or logo front and center on an esky, everyone drinking out of that cooler is going to learn to love your brand. Whether people are tailgating, barbequing, camping, boating, or doing some other summer activity, they will need a quality esky, and if you market this right, people will be saying positive things about your brand all day long. You can choose special colours to match your brand, and you can also customise the size of the cooler and the size of your logo on the cooler, depending on people’s needs.

Personalised Beach UmbrellasCustom Beach Umbrella

Nowadays, you can’t go to the beach without an umbrella. This is a great surface for you to advertise on, as umbrellas can be seen from far away and seen by many. Big and colourful, take advantage to put a large size brand or logo on an umbrella. Maybe you want to put your logo on a white space on the umbrella so your brand really pops out. You can also use different size umbrellas. There are so many colours and sizes to choose from, you cannot go wrong advertising on a beach umbrella.

Branded Beach Chairs

Beach chairs have become more popular in Australia in recent years. This is another opportunity to personalise something with your brand that will be seen by many. Anybody walking the beach will see your beach chair as they walk by. You could even consider marketing a set – pairing up two or three items on this list like towels, umbrellas, and chairs. This would reduce the amount of shopping people have to do, and could make them appreciate your brand for making their lives a little easier.