Corporate Gifting Customised Hand Sanitiser

Hand sanitiser has become so popular in the world after COVID-19, that it is hard to keep it in stock. So many people are using hand sanitiser that it is a great option for you in Australia if you are looking for ways to get your brand and logo advertised.

You can advertise on hand sanitiser and give the bottles away as corporate gifts, ensuring your employees are safe and have ways to disinfect after being out in the public. This keeps them healthier, and also could work to keep illness out of your office. This is a real opportunity to be seen as a company who cares about people, which can help improve the reputation of your company, which could encourage people to buy your product.

Customised Hand Sanitiser

Hand sanitiser comes in so many different sizes that you can have enough room to either put a small logo (on small bottles) or possible a large logo and your company name (on bigger bottles). The nice thing about customising hand sanitiser is that anybody that sees or uses that bottle will immediately think of your brand and associate your brand with caring about the health and well-being of people using the sanitiser.

You could also considering adding the name or initials of your employees to each bottle of hand sanitiser. Since the idea is to not spread germs, employees might appreciate having their own bottle that nobody else will want to share or touch.

Corporate Gifts

While there is certainly a market to sell hand sanitiser, you can consider giving it out as corporate gifts. Again, employees would see this and think you as a corporation care about their health, which can go a long way towards morale in the office. Consider just giving away one small bottle to each employee. They can keep this in their bags while they are traveling. Or, maybe you want to give a bigger size bottle out and encourage employees to keep it right at their desk so they can sanitise all day long while they are working.

Use of Hand Sanitiser at home

While you might initially give out hand sanitiser so your workplace is safer, do not miss out on marketing opportunities for people using hand sanitiser in their homes. Maybe you want to give away corporate gifts of hand sanitiser in three different sizes. Give out a travel size that is small, designed to fit in a bag, a medium size designed to be used in the office, and a bigger size that employees can take home and share with their families.

This is not when you want to look at saving money. If you do this right, your generosity in being seen as taking care of employees and their families can go a long way towards improving the image of your company and possibly increasing profits. You could even give out hand sanitiser to people that are not your employees, but might be interested in buying your products.