Coffee Cups and Mugs With Personalised Logos

Nothing beats a custom coffee cup or mug! They make great gifts or merchandise for both companies and individuals. There are lots of ideas for how to use personalised mugs to promote a business or for sentimental/funny gifts.

Customised Coffee Cups As GiftsStainless Steel Double Wall Barrel Mug

Everyone drinks coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and other hot beverages at some point. Soup can even be made and consumed out of a mug, and simple recipes are floating around the internet on how to bake a cake in a mug as well. The best gifts are a mix of being sentimental and functional which is why personalised coffee cups and mugs are a great idea.

A lot of people even like to collect coffee cups and mugs which makes them a gift that will last for a long time. There are lots of ways that a coffee cup or mug can be personalised to make a special gift for someone. Photos and images of kids and animals can be printed, or the recipient’s first name.

Another great idea for how to customise a coffee mug for a gift is to label it with a specific holiday or occasion such as “50th Birthday!” or “Christmas 2020!” so whenever the recipient uses the cup they’ll be reminded of that day.

Ideas for Personalising a Coffee Cup or Mug:

  1. Names
  2. Dates
  3. Holidays
  4. Favourite colours
  5. Favourite animals
  6. Children’s names
  7. Inside jokes
  8. Funny pictures

Personalised Coffee Mugs For the OfficeLarge Executive Mag

For those who manage a business or a team it can be daunting to decide what gift to give to employees and co-workers. Almost everyone who works at an office loves coffee and tea, which is why coffee mugs make a great gift for co-workers. For employees a coffee mug that says “World’s Best Boss” or something along those lines may go a long way to win over supervisors.

In an office with a kitchen or coffee machine everybody may bring their coffee mugs from home or they may have coffee mugs readily available for employees. By making a personalised mug for every employee then there is no debating about which coffee mug belongs to who, etc. Label everyone’s coffee mugs with their first or last name, their picture, or job description and it makes for a fun and functional gift.

Ideas for Coffee Mugs for Bosses and Co-workers

  1. Names
  2. Job title
  3. Photographs
  4. Jokes
  5. “World’s Best ___”
  6. Years at the company
  7. Awards

Treat Yourself To A Customised Mug

Why not make a customised mug for yourself? Whatever it is that you love or that motivates you can be printed on a coffee mug so that you can see it every morning as you have your coffee. Whatever it is that you love and that motivates you can be printed on a coffee mug so that you can bring it with you to work or simply reflect on it every morning.

The coffee mug doesn’t just have to be sentimental either. There are lots of ways to make a coffee mug funny with a cartoon or quote. Have a personal catch phrase? Print it on a coffee mug!

Making Custom Coffee Mugs to Sell

Coffee mugs are a great idea for people to sell as merchandise to promote their business as well as a personal gift. There can even be a profit to be made by reselling coffee mugs that are custom printed at a higher price than they were purchased for. Small businesses, non-profits, and organizations can use coffee cups and mugs to promote their business and make some extra cash flow.