Classic Promotional Winter Merchandise

Winter vs. Summer Merch

For the winter months, short-sleeve T-shirts are probably not going to be the most popular wearable merchandise. Summertime merchandise revolves around keeping cool with items like short sleeve shirts, water bottles, visors, and towels.

In the winter the merchandise should be geared towards keeping warm. Remember that the most effective type of promotional merchandise is useful merchandise. It isn’t enough to just slap your logo on the cheapest item, if you want to have a meaningful impact with the merch then you want to put in a little more thought about how it will be used.

The Best Winter Merchandise Ideas

Here are a few of the top ideas for branded merchandise for the winter months.

Personalised Jackets

The best-logoed merchandise for winter is jackets and outerwear. They will get a lot of use when it is cold out. Another reason why outerwear makes a powerful statement in the wintertime is that it won’t be covered up like a T-shirt would under multiple layers. 

Types of Personalised Jackets

  • Windbreakers

Windbreakers are a type of jacket that is thin, but weather resistant. These are great for days that are windy/rainy but not exceptionally cold. Even in below-freezing weather, a windbreaker can be worn over top of sweaters and hoodies. They are most beneficial for inclement weather.

  • Varsity Jackets

Varsity jackets are a fashionable jacket that was first made popular by sports teams. Today varsity jackets are a popular staple of streetwear as well. Varsity jackets look like a mix between a sports uniform and a work jacket. They can be branded with names and colours.

  • Denim Jackets

Screen-printing logos onto denim is pretty easy which is why we recommend denim jackets as an option for personalised winter merch. They aren’t the warmest kind of jacket, but they can be layered over hoodies for a cozy and fashionable look.

Customised Hoodies

One of the most popular clothing items in the world is hoodies. They are super comfortable, cozy, and can be fashionable as well. For merchandising they give a lot of different options to play with. There are sleeves, a hood, and a front/bank of the hoodie which can all be personalised.

Another thing to think about is the colour of the hoodie. You can make solid colour hoodies or a combination of colours. There is a lot of fun you can have with hoodies for merch. Look for hoodies that are manufactured with a fuzzy/warm interior layer to keep extra warm this winter.

Personalised Beanies

In the summer, baseball caps and visors are the go-to hats for personalised merchandise, but what about in the winter? In the cold months of the year, beanies are a great option for branded headwear. Beanies are a kind of soft, warm hat that you can pull over the head and ears. The logoed beanie can have the company name or symbol printed on the brim of the beanie. Some beanies can be itchy, so make sure that the manufacturer uses soft materials.

Custom Umbrellas

A less common type of merchandise for the winter is umbrellas. Everyone needs an umbrella at one point in their life. There is nothing more annoying than being stuck out in a rainstorm without an umbrella. When it is cold out, getting wet is even worse. Keep your team, employees, or customers warm and dry this winter by making logoed umbrellas.