It’s gone from nutritionists and experts suggesting eight- eight ounces glasses a day to 12- eight ounce glasses a day. The beverage in the glass is water. Water is essential for living, being one of the elements that the body needs. Daily consumption, as well as enough consumption to hydrate the body is necessary for the health of individuals. What better way to keep your employees healthy than by keeping them hydrated with employee water bottles as induction gifts?
With the benefits that water offers, you are likely to have more productive, focused employees. Consider for a moment what water does for the body:
- Keeps the body temperature normal.
- Water helps to lubricate and cushion joints, it is also essential in protecting sensitive tissues and the spinal cord.
- Water is a key for ridding the body of toxins through urination, perspiration, and bowl movements.
Water is essential for day to day living. While eight to twelve eight ounce glasses a day may be an adequate intake, there are times that your body will need more hydration:
While in hot climates
- When the body is running a fever.
- When physical activity is increased.
- When vomiting or having diarrhea.
You may have one employee that has a water bottle they are sipping on, and refilling throughout the day, and one that doesn’t appear to drink anything throughout the day. Likely the employee that keeps their body hydrated is in better spirits than the one that does not. Water bottles are a great gift to incoming employees, and one that lets them know that you care about their health. Water bottles should be carried everywhere, not just used for drinking while at work.
Consider their many uses:
- Carrying a water bottle while running errands- when your brand is on the face of the bottle your brand is being promoted.
- Allow you to easily choose healthy drinks over sugar sweetened beverages.
- Have water next to you when driving through the drive thru for that quick bit, eliminating the sweetened beverage for the already healthy water sitting next to you.
- Have the water bottle filled and ready to hydrate the body while working out after work.
- Take the water bottle on walks, shopping, or to sports events. A large executive mag will also do.
The possibilities are endless, but one thing is certain. That one thing is that water bottles and their many uses are typically take full advantage of by the users, making them a great gift for new employees. Custom Gear offers a complete selection of water bottles that can be customised with your company logo and tagline. With bright colours to choose, or custom colours specific to your company you will have a gift that is one that will be appreciated by your new employees. Besides drinkware, other presents that can be given to employees are pens and office supplies.