Branding and Collateral Health Check for 2019

Top of the advertising checklist- to have things organized for maximum results this 2019. Branding and collateral are essential in business growth; and, the checklist needs to be complete for success. Custom Gear offers the following branding and collateral checklist for advertisers to kickstart their marketing efforts for the year.

The role of the advertiser is to connect with and influence consumers. The role is intense and involves making consumers aware of the brand, appeal to the brand, ask about the brand, act with a brand purchase, and advocate the brand. Marketing collateral provides the tools to reach consumers and take them into a customer journey. Start the new year off right, now your audience and how to effectively reach the audience.

Mission Statement

Your mission statement should impact consumers with a clear statement of what the organization does and what the organization is pursuing. For instance, suppose the business is an agricultural business. The mission statement may be something like “Company Name”  nurtures growth for the future.

Custom Gear Mission Statement

Persona Profiles

Persona profiles are semi-fictional profiles created from customers or supporters. They are created to provide advertisers who their prospective customers are, and what to expect through the stages of reaching and interesting consumers, converting consumers to customers, and retaining a loyal business/customer relationship.


Logos is a visual of the brand. Typically, a logo is an image in the company colours that display the brand. Logos can also be initials or a short message.

Custom Gear Logo


Update the website, enrich the website with keywords, images, and text, and ensure it is user-friendly. Visitors should be able to navigate around the website easily.


Be consistent with postings, show authority, and be interactive with readers. Blogs go a long way in advertising as consumers rely on expert knowledge.


Reach consumers with stats that interest them towards the brand. Consumers like figures and infographics offer a professional reflection of a business.

Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising provides advertisers with the means to provide information on their brands. Audiences can be targeted, an interaction can be achieved, and brand awareness built.

Promotional Products

Promotional products are among the best ways to advertise. Consumers like receiving promotional products from advertisers with over 50 percent of consumers doing business with an advertiser after receiving a promotional product. The more useful the item, the longer it is kept. Consumers claim that they use promotional products on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis and keep the products from one to four years. Promotional products are cost-effective; can be inexpensive but must be high-quality items to reflect the company properly.

Best Promotional Products Australia

Custom Gear provides advertisers with a wide range of promotional products. Contact us with your advertising needs.