Brand and Logo marketing recommendations in a locked-down world

It’s worldwide- with glimpses of hope and an undying spirit to get back to normal. For marketers and consumers alike, Covid-19 has taken its toll. Much of the world is still on lockdown; however, the spirit of coming back stronger than ever is not fading. While the times have been tough for marketers, lockdown days are also a time when marketers can reach consumers with useful promotional products. Customised merchandise is more likely to be used during lockdowns and is a means to create long-lasting relations. Custom Gear has plenty of brand and logo marketing recommendations that will keep your business alive even in trying times.

Worldwide or Local Advertising, Custom Gear Gets Your Campaign Moving

Print and advertising is an option; however, there isn’t likely a better way to promote during lockdown than with promotional items. Stress balls are designed specifically to reduce stress andtwist coloured metal pens anxiety. During a lockdown, they can be the daily savour when stress and anxiety take control. With your logo bright and bold, you have open communications, keeping the spirit of loyalty first-rate with business growing stronger. With the right branded products, your brand can become a fixture in the home or office or go mobile. Stress balls come in different shapes and sizes, creating much more than a useful product but one that is unique in concept. Custom Gear has traditional stress balls, as well as ones that are geared towards specific industries. Get your company moving with your brand being recognised with branded Merchandise from Custom Gear.

What other branded logo marketing recommendations does Custom Gear offer? Plenty. Consider logoed metal pens and logoed notepads. Nearly every consumer has a “To-do” list when lockdown is over, as well as daily thoughts, wants, and needs. Customised journals or branded notepads with logoed metal pens for smooth writing may be your key to marketing genius. Keep things cheerful with branded notepads in bright colours, with each page of paper branded with your company logo and information. Branded metal pens and logoed notepads are a great way to strengthen business relations during a lockdown. At Custom Gear, we offer a full range of marketing supplies with surface area to imprint your logo and company information for outstanding marketing results.

If branded notebooks, branded metal pens, and personalised stress balls have been a standard in your marketing campaigns and you’re ready to venture into something new, consider logoed mugs. Aside from Covid-19 restrictions, many consumers follow the Covid-19 guidelines and recommendations on how to stay healthy. At the top of the list is sipping on warm broth. Custom Gear offers many styles in branded mugs with many colours and material options. Make the gift more appealing with the addition of broth or hard candies tucked into the logoed mug. Ceramic, glass, metal, or insulated, when lockdowns lift, your audience will be ready to do business.

Do we have more suggestions for branded merchandise that can be the key to a successful marketing campaign? Yes, we do—hand sanitisers. Add fragrance, or just have the traditional smell of sanitiser. Whatever you choose, your company will have the advertising that will keep you in the thoughts of your target audience during the lockdown.customised mugs

Contact Custom Gear for More Promotional Marketing Ideas 

Custom Gear is the number 1 Australian supplier of promotional merchandise. Don’t let your brand go forgotten during a lockdown. Build it stronger with promotional products. We have a complete range of items that keep marketing strong in times when business relations can be forgotten. Contact Custom Gear for more ideas and information on our customised merchandise like branded mugs and personalised pens and notebooks that might be the connection to create lasting business relations.