Back to School: Customised Stationery for Your Kids

Every year parents dread back to school time. On paper, it’s simple enough—you order the stationery and your child eagerly covers their books, labelling everything.

New parents look forward to the day when the kids are old enough to manage this task on their own, and every year parents hope that this year will be different. About two labels in, though, the children are bored, and then they get careless. It’s often less messy for parents to take over and finish the job.

After the adults have labelled about a million pens, pencils, and other assorted stationery items, a shocking realisation dawns on them—the kids might never be old enough to take over this tedium. Would they even want to?

In all seriousness, adults can’t blame children for wanting to side-step this boring task each year, but does the back to school grind need to be this way? No, it doesn’t.

What’s the Solution?

Dreams of running away to a tropical island where no one uses stationery are a little unreasonable. Personalised stationery, though, is a highly practical solution.

Imagine a world where customised or promotional stationery is delivered via the postal service—logoed pencils, pens, stationery, workbooks, and any other item you need, sent straight to your doorstep! Imagine your child’s name, neatly inscribed on each item with no effort at all—no more nagging or pleading, and no more last-minute labelling sessions.

Think about neat and legible inscriptions indelibly etched into the surface of each tiny stationery item, ready for school. Does that seem crazy?

Isn’t that Wildly Expensive?

Twenty years ago, it might well have been too expensive to consider. Thanks to advances in technology, though, the customisation process is now unbelievably simple.

Companies like Custom Gear are now able to personalise your stationery at extremely reasonable rates.

Who Should Consider Customising Their Child’s Stationery?

There are parents out there that have this down to a fine art, and some people enjoy labelling all that stationery. Good luck to them.

If you fall into one of the following categories, though, why not call us for a quote?

  • Time-strapped parents: Our personal and business lives have become so busy that there’s hardly time to think. Why not cross one thing off the to-do list?
  • Parents of careless kids: Hands up anyone who regularly replaces lunch boxes, erasers, and countless other things sent to school. Labels added by hand come loose and fall off. Then, the item disappears into the school’s lost property office or deep space.
  • Parents tired of replacing stolen items: It’s not always that a child is careless, some people steal. The permanence of the etching is a deterrent to would-be thieves.
  • People who prefer a polished finish: There’s an undeniable appeal when it comes to neat, even lettering. Machine printing achieves these results every time.

Call Custom Gear Today

Give us a call and find out how competitive our pricing is for yourself. Then, pat yourself on the back for curtailing the back to school misery.