Posts by: Custom Gear

Time To Start Thinking About Your Conference Merchandise and Bags

Conference promotional material and products are conference takeaways that keep the event memorable. Arrangements are made in advance, presentation is critiqued for months, and conference material like promotional products requires brainstorming. A lot of time and energy is put into a conference, and the success of the conference depends on…

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Popular Golf Merchandise Used for Golf Prizes

The corporate golf day, conference giveaways, and tradeshow freebies. When golf prizes are the gift, the event is geared towards success.  Golf is big in the business world, and marketers should take full advantage of the opportunity to network with golf accessories. Business relations are relaxed and trusted on the course. 45 percent…

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Post-Covid Back-to-School Personalised Items for Every Kid

Our children’s safety and wellbeing are always a priority. Living through corona days and post corona is scary. We feel vulnerable when our job is to protect our children. It’s now time for post covid back to school personalised pens & pencils, customised notebooks, personalised bags, etc. It is essential…

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5 Classic Personalised Summer Gifts

Tried and true is often more effective than the current trends. Advertisers interested in effective marketing this summer will be interested in the following 5 promotional products. Personalised Caps & Hats Classic, stylish, and always popular. Personalised caps & hats offer advertisers the opportunity to get their brand mobile. With…

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