A Promotional Merchandise Strategy for a COVID-19 World

COVID-19 has changed the entire world from the United States to Australia and everywhere in between. While it has largely been catastrophic and nobody would ever wish for a global pandemic, as a business, there are ways you can capitalise on it and come up with a strategy for your business in the new world as we recover from the virus.

There are many promotional and branded merchandise items that you can use to advertise your brand, and hopefully steer your Australian company back to success as we recover. You will want to strategise your branding around products that people use the most in the world after COVID-19. If you used to advertise at sporting events, which are no longer popular, maybe not you use that budget to advertise on products that people are using daily.

Branded Face Masks

Face masks are one of the two most important items in the world right now. Even after the pandemic passes, we are all vaccinated, and on the road to a healthy new normal, people are not going to forget the effect the pandemic had on the world. People will wear face masks for the short-term and the long-term.

Putting your brand or logo on a face mask is a sound business strategy for your business in the post COVID-19 world. Not only does this convey the message that your company cares about the world and its people, but everyone wearing a face mask is going to come across countless other people who will instantly see your brand name and associate it with protecting people from the virus.

Promotional Hand Sanitiser

Hand sanitiser and cleansers are arguably the next most important, and most popular, item that people are using in the post-pandemic world. Hand sanitiser is still relatively inexpensive, and you can easily place your brand on many different sises of bottles. The small bottles are good in your purse or bag when you are traveling, and big bottles are good in your car or home to use. Invest your branding budget into hand sanitiser and many people will see your logo. If someone is out and has your bottle, he might end up sharing it with friends, and then more people would see your brand.

Branded Tents and Outdoor gear

While the world shutdown and prevent people from doing many of the activities they used to like attending sporting events, concerts, and other group activities, other activities have seen a spike in interest since the pandemic. In a country like Australia, things like four wheel driving, camping, and boating are all popular now, since they are fun activities you can do with friends and family while still remaining mostly isolated.

Consider advertising your brand on tents, boats, or campers, as people are buying more and more of these and using them frequently. Even things like water bottles, which are used in association with hiking and camping, could be a good investment. Think about what events and activities people are doing more of now after the pandemic, and there will be ways to promote your products at th