Ordered with us before? It’s your lucky day!
To celebrate another record-breaking financial year,
we’re running a competition to thank one lucky customer in a big way!
1. Take a photo of a product/s from any Custom Gear order in action. The product can be from a past, present or in-progress order. You can arrange the photo any way you like, so get creative & inventive in your shots.
2. Write a quick 25 word or less description of how our team or the product helped your business, team or organisation. We love to hear about what keeps our customers coming back!
3. Send your photo & words to [email protected] to enter!
All entries must be submitted before 5pm June 30th, 2013 to be considered. Prize Winner/s will be contacted by email on July 15th, 2013.
All entries will be judged on creativity, the most creative entry will be awarded the prize.
Multiple entries may be submitted, assuming content (text & images) are different in each entry.
By entering you agree to the use of your image in future Custom Gear promotions.
About the OM-D E-M5: