6 Custom Merchandising Tips for Amateur Sports Clubs

If we mention the word “rugby,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? A bunch of massive blokes running from one end of the sport’s field to the other or the sneaky South Africans who stole the last World Cup? Maybe, it’s the Wallabies’ colours, logos, and flags, though.

If you’re a fan, it’ll be a combination of all three, but you’re unlikely to burn your Wallabies’ gear—win or lose, you’re a fan, and our boys deserve a second chance.

The team spirit is something that amateur sports clubs turn to their advantage, too. Selling customised merchandise garners much-needed funding and builds your team’s brand organically.

In this post, we’ll go through six custom merchandising tips for amateur sports clubs, from personalised gear to consistent promotional campaigns.

Know Your Fans

The marketing world is littered with campaigns that missed the point by miles. Why?

The marketers assumed that they knew what their fans wanted, but it’s like an old ad by Toohey’s that proves the point perfectly (the actor’s mouth jumped off his face, check it out on YouTube).

The concept seemed good on paper, but the result was ineffective (and creepy—imagine watching that ad after having had a few beers).

Researching what your fans want is key. Water bottles and caps are easy sells, but maybe your fans also want high ticket items, like hoodies.

What do your fans want to buy?

What can they afford to buy?

Consistent Branding

Whatever customised merchandising you’re creating, ensure that you have consistent branding throughout. Logoed uniforms, caps, training shirts, hoodies, water bottles, bags and many other items can be amazing sellers when branded and recognisable.

Make sure that you’re clear on your brand image before designing custom merchandise, though.

Generate Excitement

It’s great to have standard training shirts and bags on offer most of the time but think bigger. Are there momentous events that your fans would like to celebrate with you? What about milestone anniversaries?

A limited series of shirts with witty sayings or designs could become collectables. Why not host a competition offering signed shirts as a prize for the best designs and get the fans involved?

Reconsider Your Displays

If we walked into a clubhouse now, would we see a display case with trophies? Of course.

Those displays only change when you win or lose an award, and many amateur sports teams make the same mistake with their merchandising.

Get creative with your merchandising displays and change it every few games for maximum effect. Put water bottles on sale at the drinks stand. Stay fresh.

Encourage User-Generated Content

Advertising is viewed with distrust by many, so influencer marketing has evolved as a response to insincere celebrity endorsements. Influencers were once seen as more relatable. Today, they’ve moved more into the celebrity category.

Who are the best influencers today? That would be your fans themselves. Create competitions or fun challenges for these vital marketing tools to raise money for charity wearing your merchandise, for example. The idea is to flood your social media with pictures of these influencers wearing or using your merchandise.

Get Your Team in on the Action

Your team should be more excited about the brand than anyone else. Enthusiasm is catchy. Get your team to get involved in the community, building brand awareness and support from your fans.

In the long-run, winning at merchandising is like winning at rugby—you get out what you give. If you approach these campaigns ill-prepared, you’ll get mediocre results.