5 Tips To Successful Corporate Gifting

Giving is a gift that is appreciated whether large or small. Corporate gifting allows employers the chance to show their gratitude for jobs well done and customer appreciation. Whether big or small, the key is to gift quality items that are useful. Custom Gear offers the following information on tips for successful corporate gifting.

Customise It

Customised gifts show appreciation and loyalty whether they’re bags, pens, or sports and outdoor equipment. Consumers, customer or not, enjoy receiving gifts from advertisers; and, when the advertiser is one that they know, they enjoy it more. Studies show that recipients of promotional gifts gain loyalty for the advertiser, previous client, or not. Stronger bonds and brand awareness are built with the advertiser. Old clients can be recaptured, new client relationships built, and stronger loyalty with existing customers. Customised promotional products with your company name and logo go a long way in strengthening business relationships and brand awareness.

Laptop Bag








Depending on the product, the gift may be used on a daily or weekly basis. Regardless, quality matters, and the higher the quality of the gift, the more it will be used. Gifts do not have to be costly to be appreciated. Less expensive high-quality gifts, even in the corporate world are much more effective. The quality of the gift also better reflects your company.

Stood the Test of Time

Tried and true, and stood the test of time gifts are dependable gifts. When choosing gifts for your clients and employees choose gifts that have stood the test of time, or ones that you have purchased and tried yourself. This is especially true with food gifts. You should taste all food gifts before giving them as well as check all expiration dates.


The gift that gets used is the brand that gets seen. Studies show that consumers love to receive gifts that are useful. The gift can be for the home or the office, or a gift, such as logoed clothing that goes mobile. With each use, the advertiser is once again in the thoughts of the recipient. Loyalty and brand awareness is built, and the business relationship grows.

BIC Pencil Solids








The timing of the gift giving is also important. You may have just had a great meeting with a prospect and say goodbye with a logoed cap. That’s acceptable. If you are near closing a deal with a client and send chocolates or another type of gift before the deal is closed, you will likely be perceived as not having the confidence in your product or service. Send the gift after the close of the deal.

Custom Gear offers a complete range of promotional gifts idea for corporate gift giving. We are a leading Australian promotional supplier that caters to the needs of marketers with quality products and services. Our team includes in-house graphic designers and personal account representatives to ensure that all your marketing needs are covered. For more information on our services, please contact Custom Gear.