5 Funny Customised Face Mask Design Ideas

Wearing a mask every day can be a nuisance, but there is no reason why people should have to wear the same boring plain masks every day. Disposable face masks get the job done, but in a time where everyone is expected to wear masks out in public every day, it is a better option to use reusable face masks that can be washed. Instead of opting for a boring, basic face mask why not go for something that reflects the wearer’s personality and humour?

It is easier than ever to have customised merchandise made, so it is possible to print a reusable face mask with pretty much anything on it. Here are a few ideas for funny face mask designs.

Animal Face Masks

A funny and cute idea is to print the mouth and nose of a cute animal onto the face masks. If the company’s mascot is a bear, the lower half of the mascot’s face can be printed onto the face mask for a silly and light-hearted face covering that adults and children alike will love. Cats, dogs, bears, and other cute animals can be incorporated into the design. This works best for animal faces with round noses and shaped-faces.

Smiling Face Masks

Another fun idea for face coverings is to have a smile or other facial expression printed onto the face mask. This way even if the wearer is having a bad day nobody could ever tell because their mask is always smiling. Think of all the different emoji expressions and how these could be made into a face mask.

A few ideas of the kinds of smiles that could be printed onto a face mask is funny teeth, lipstick, or a gold tooth. Facial hair is another idea that could be hilarious on a face mask, such as a goatee or a huge handlebar mustache.

Funny Quotes and Jokes

The mask doesn’t have to be a funny picture, it could also be a funny quote. Have a favourite joke? Why not make it into a face mask. This way people will get a laugh every time they read the mask, and let’s be real, we could all use a good laugh right about now with everything going on in the world. One idea for a funny face mask is one that is printed with “If you’re reading this you’re too close”.

To avoid offending anyone, opt for “Dad jokes”, or silly jokes that everyone can enjoy at any age that is light-hearted and not offensive. A great example of a funny and branded face mask is a play on a popular insurance company’s slogan, “Like A Good Neighbour Stay Over There”. This printed joke is catchy, marketable, and makes light of a very serious issue in a way that is sure not to hurt anyone’s feelings.

Personalised Cloth Masks With a Sense of Humour

There are many different ways that fabric masks can be customised with different funny outcomes. Animal faces, silly smiles, and pandemic humour are a few different ideas of how face masks can be personalised for a good laugh, but the ideas don’t end there.

There are face masks with a mouth smoking a cigar, or the bottom half of a celebrity face or smiles with teeth missing or braces, and all sorts of written jokes in fun fonts. Whatever the imagination can come up with can be printed on face masks and the opportunities for humorous designs are endless.