5 Creative Promotional Merchandise Ideas for 2021

New Year, New Merch

It’s a new year and you know what that means…new merch! We have some creative ideas for branded merchandise for 2021. You probably have not thought of these promotional merchandising ideas before.

Creative Promotional Merchandise

Putting some extra thought into the promotional merchandise can help your brand stand out. Who needs more ballpoint pens? Most of us have a drawer full of random pens from banks, churches, and dentists. If you want to make an impact with your merchandising, get creative.

  1. The merchandise must be useful in some way. If the merchandise is not useful to the customer then it will likely end up in the trash or donate pile, and the meaningful connection between the brand and customer will not grow from the exchange.
  2. The merchandise should be trendy. Keep up with the current trends like for example how pop sockets or fidget spinners were popular trends in previous years. Jump on these trends to make your unique promotional merchandise.

Five Ideas for Unique Promotional Merchandise 2021

Here are a few ideas for modern and unique promotional merchandise that you may not have thought of.

Adult Colouring Books

Colouring books are no longer just for children. It has been proven that adult colouring books can relax and melt away anxiety for children of ALL ages. This can be a thoughtful promotion because it shows that you care about the mental wellbeing of the customer as much as their financial wellbeing.

You can have custom adult colouring books made online that reflect your brand on every page by hiring a freelance illustrator. An easy way to make promotional colouring books is to slap your logo on the front cover design of a generic adult colouring book. It is a good idea to include pencils or markers with the colouring book because if the customer has to make another purchase to use it that may be discouraging. 

Branded M&M’s Designs

Did you know that it is easy to have anything you want to be printed on M&M’s? Everybody loves candy so this is sure to be a popular promotional item that few will turn down. In place of the little M&M’s logo that is usually printed on the candy, you can have your logo or brand name printed instead. You can also customise the colour of the candies to match your branding. 

Smart Drinking Bottles

Water bottles are a common piece of branded merchandise that businesses give out to employees and customers. You can take it a step further by personalising smart water bottles which can detect the temperature of the water or beverage. These bottles will solve the problem of accidentally drinking coffee that is too hot or water that is too cold. 

Custom PlannerBluetooth speaker corporate gift

Want your team to be more productive? Consider making personalised planners or meeting books. Get your company logo printed on the front of a planner and then people will see your company’s brand every time they check their to-do list. Since it is the beginning of a new year, everyone will be looking for ways to be more productive and successful in the new year which makes this a handy tool. 

Bluetooth Speakers

Another idea for customized swag with a modern spin is personalised Bluetooth speakers. You can have small Bluetooth speakers engraved, etched, or printed with the company/brand logo and have it made in the signature colours. People love how Bluetooth speakers make it easy to listen to their favourite music anywhere.