5 Alternative and Creative Uses for Tote Bags

Tote bags are a universal way to advertise your brand, since they are so versatile and can be used by people for so many different ways. If you are looking for ways to advertise your brand or logo, a tote bag is a great way to do so. Let’s look at all of the different ways personalised and customised tote bags can be used.

Grocery Shopping

As the world moves away from using single-use plastic bags to better the environment, more and more people are making use of tote bags to carry groceries from the market to their home. From the United States to Australia, this practice is becoming more and more common. You can carry your own grocery bags into the store, when you checkout bag your groceries right in the totes, and carry the tote bags into your home. It is an easy way to save the earth no matter where you live.

Travelling with Kids’ Toys

Travelling with kids can be difficult. The amount of items kids need, but cannot carry themselves, is vast. From diapers to toys to food, a tote bag can be used to carry all of it. Best of all, you can use multiple tote bags in different colorus with different brands to segregate each of your kids’ different needs. One bag for diapers, one for food, and one for toys.

Picnics and Outdoor activities

Whether you are at the beach or on a picnic, a tote bag can be a great way to haul what you need. When you are planning a day outside you’ll need to carry things like water, bug spray, sunscreen, food, and maybe a book or an iPad. You might also need paper plates, napkins, and silverware, depending on what your agenda is. The easiest way to carry these items in a tote bag. Durable and usually made from canvas, these tote bags can carry quite a bit.

In your Car

It is a good idea to leave a tote bag in your car filled with things you want on hand in your car, but that you might not use every day. Paper towels, tissues, hand sanitiser, etc. There are certain things we use occasionally in our car, and we want on hand in case something spills, and those items can be kept in a tote bag behind your seat or in the trunk. If you keep a tote bag filled with supplies, you can potentially avoid some headaches and messes later on. You can also keep things in the tote bag like paperwork for your car – the insurance and registration.


Whether you are going to the doctor, taking your dog to the vet, or interviewing a new nanny, appointments require a lot. You will need a notebook, pens, maybe medication, and maybe your IPad or calendar, and it is easiest if you just have a tote bag packed and ready to take to any appointment you need to go to.